Copyright Policy
You should only use shared folders, public links, and photo galleries for files to which you have the legal right to share (for example, documents, photos, software, music, and videos that you personally created). You do not have the right to share files unless you either own the copyright or have received express permission from the copyright owner. Please note that purchasing or legally acquiring video, music, ebooks, or software does not grant you the right to share that material with third parties over the Internet.
If you have any doubts about whether you have the legal right to share certain files, we advise you not to share them. By using the shared folder, public folder, or photo galleries features, you represent that the files placed in those folders comply with the FebBox Terms of Service, and that you own all copyrights to them or have received permission from the copyright owner to share them. FebBox has adopted a policy of terminating the accounts of users who repeatedly infringe copyright or whose accounts are subject to multiple infringement allegations. If you repeatedly share files that infringe upon others' copyrights, your account will be terminated.
For more information on the FebBox copyright policy and the steps to report a claim of copyright infringement, please visit the FebBox DMCA page.